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Moon Rain Centre is a non-profit cultural organization dedicated to integrating creativity and harmony in the community through the creation, exhibition and teaching of tapestry weaving and textile arts. The name Moon Rain refers to the mystical connection between the moon, weaving and the cosmos. Located in the Gatineau Hills, in the Outaouais region of Quebec, Canada, Moon Rain is known for its unique approach to creative tapestry weaving. The Vision of Moon Rain is to share the beauty and mystery of Weave

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


une exposition en tapisseries haute-lisse et l’art de la fibre, créées par un groupe d’artistes membres du Centre Moon Rain
a group exhibition in tapestry and fibre arts by artists and members of Moon Rain Centre
du 6 au 27 septembre 2009 ~ September 6 to 27, 2009

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